The Mistakes that I’ve done when my baby infected by Impetigo

In a few weeks ago, I’ve got my first experience with skin infection on my baby’s skin. As a newly mom, I thought that the rash on her skin is just because of hot weather.
So I did my mistake by applied an itchy powder around the rash skin. I did that for about 3 days and finally I realized there is something wrong with my baby’s skin.
The skin getting worse and it’s not just a rash but her skin looks blistered and watery like burns. I’m feeling so bad because the infection getting wider.

I decided bring her to pediatrician and the diagnosis was she got infection skin that called as Impetigo. It was getting worse because I applied a powder so that when the itchy granules break and release water it will infect the surrounding area so that the infection becomes more widespread.
The infection getting better by antibiotics and cream from pediatrician’s prescriptions. Finally it healed after a week of treatment.
The note that I suggest for another newly mom that I hope you need to concern :
- Don’t make your own diagnosis
- Learn and read information about babysitting as much as you can
- Learn various first aid for babies
- If the symptoms getting worse or wider (in case skin infection) don’t hesitate to the pediatrician immediately.
Every single child has unique condition, thus we need to learn And recognize the character of our children. The treatment of baby, toddler, teen and even though adult are truly different.
The things that you need to remember, since we decided to be a parents, from then we become a learners.